Wednesday, February 13, 2008

So, I finally went to the gym yesterday. It had been so long I felt like Homer Simpson in that episode where he discovers an all night gym, thinks out loud, "All night gyme (gym). What's a gyme?" Then he walks inside and spouts out his realization, "Oh, a gyme!" Anywho, that is how long it's been since I rediscovered my gyme, "Planet Fitness: The Judgment Free Zone". As you can guess it's a gyme for losers like me who are super weak and don't want any muscleheads laughing at how puny we are. It was good to go. I am sore today, which means I had a good workout, right? Let's forget that I was following an old man through all the weight machines and had to make things lighter so I could deal with the reps. I didn't quite embarrass myself to the point of not wanting to go back, so I am planning on another grueling workout today. Hopefully that old man isn't there again. I felt like he was judging me the whole time. . .


croonie said...

I hate judgers. Every type. I especially hate people who judge others based on their rep max. Maybe I dont have all the time in the world to get massive gains in the gym (also your spelling of gyme was quite distracting), but maybe I am out trying to make a living. My money is hard earned and not just handed to me by my daddy.

No judging from me Sweaty.

SweatyShembach said...

Yeah, gyme is kind of a tough spelling to get down.